
Why Smart AirBnB Hosts are Choosing NovaViewTV Over Cable

When it comes to hosting on AirBnB, the little touches can turn a good review into a great one. As hosts, we’re always seeking ways to optimize our guests’ experiences while being mindful of expenses. Here’s where NovaViewTV outshines traditional cable and becomes the savvy host’s choice.


The bottom line is crucial in the hospitality game. Cable packages can be costly, often filled with channels that guests don’t use, leading to wasted resources. With NovaViewTV’s $20/month subscription, you’re opting for an economical solution that delivers more value for both you and your guests.

Vast Selection

Travelers often miss the comforts of home. NovaViewTV offers a vast array of channels, including international options that cater to guests from around the world. This personalized touch can’t be matched by generic cable packages and is a detail that international travelers will appreciate and remember.

Ease of Use

Guests don’t want to navigate through cumbersome cable menus. NovaViewTV’s intuitive interface ensures they can quickly find what they want to watch, resulting in a hassle-free user experience. This ease of use enhances guest satisfaction without requiring any technical assistance from you, the host.

No Long-Term Contracts

Cable often comes with binding contracts and hidden fees. NovaViewTV operates on a straightforward monthly subscription, offering flexibility to adapt to the off-season when your rental might not be occupied.

Modern Amenities

In today’s streaming age, a modern setup is what guests expect. NovaViewTV aligns with the tech-savvy image of an AirBnB that understands and meets contemporary needs.

Upgraded Experience

By offering NovaViewTV, you position your rental as a premium stay. The diverse content range, from live sports to movies, ensures entertainment for all tastes and ages, possibly reducing the need for other entertainment expenses.

Positive Reviews

Happy guests leave positive reviews. By providing an amenity that allows guests to enjoy their preferred content just like they would at home, you’re more likely to earn those glowing reviews that keep bookings coming.

Investing in NovaViewTV is investing in your guests’ in-stay entertainment, comfort, and satisfaction — all of which are critical components of a successful AirBnB operation. With NovaViewTV, you’re not just providing a place to stay; you’re delivering a comprehensive living experience.